Walt Eckert, Founding Director, Owner

Walt Eckert

Founding Director, Owner

  • 25+ Years of Experience
  • Certified CPA, CVA, CEPA
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting
Walt Eckert headshot

Walt Eckert is one of the four founding directors of Blue Value Advisors and a director (Owner) at Blue & Co., LLC. Walt boasts more than 25 years of serving as a trusted advisor to his clients.

Walt truly enjoys getting to know the clients he is privileged to serve. Walt takes great pride in being the person they trust to come through for them when help is needed. Getting phone calls from clients that say, “Walt, I have a problem, and I hope you have an idea that might help me,” fuels his desire to make it his personal mission to help them find a solution. 

Throughout his career, Walt has learned from many mentors. Some of those mentors were senior leaders in his professional life, and some were his clients. All of those mentors provided him with both life and professional advice. Walt believes that these experiences have made him a passionate advisor and advocate that truly strives to exceed the expectations of his clients. 

Besides being a highly accomplished CPA and advisor, Walt is the husband of Melanie and a father of four. Melanie, his wife of over 20 years, has had the patience of a saint to run their household in his absence over the years of busy tax seasons. 

He has two sons, one at The Ohio State University and one in high school. Finally, Walt became an instant father to Melanie’s two children when they married, a daughter that now has children of her own and a son that loves classic rock (just like his step-dad)!

As Walt’s children have grown and their interests have evolved, he and Melanie have taken every opportunity to participate in any way possible — from marching band festivals to out-of-town baseball tournaments. These days, Walt is on the golf course a bit more, slowly dropping that handicap. 

Lastly, in an attempt to keep as healthy as possible, he enjoys running. Walt has run in the Columbus Marathon and Half-Marathon numerous times and has taken a few “race-cations” to Yosemite National Park and the California Redwoods for half-marathons.

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    Graduated from Miami University with a bachelor’s degree in accounting.

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    Professional Associations

    Active member of the Ohio Society of CPAs where he currently serves on the Government Affairs Advisory Council, treasurer of the board of the Columbus Chapter of the Society of Financial Service Professionals.

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